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KmpEssentials is a library that contains apis (35+ Modules) to accelerate your development. Everything from managing the Battery, File System, getting Package information, or taking Photos.

Currently Supported Platforms

iOS, Android & AppleWatch

Get Started

To get started, import the library into your project:


You can find the latest package here from MVN

Setup for Android

In your Activity's onCreate add the below to initialize the framework.

override onCreate(savedInstanceBundle: Bundle?) {
KmpAndroid.initializeApp(this) {
// optional action to invoke for any permissions disabled by the user.
// Used only by the internal permissions module.
// You can present a toast message or any error popup of some kind.

Setup for Android (Jetpack Compose)

Android Compose requires a couple of extra steps. But configuration is simple. First please make sure to install androidx.fragment package from Google.

implementation("androidx.fragment:fragment:+") // latest package

And make sure that your activity inherits from This is required for Biometric Services to work.

Setup for all Other Platforms

None Required. Just import the library directly into your shared module, and it just works!

Available Modules

Once you've configured your project correctly take a look at KmpEssentials available modules.