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Backgrounding & Workers

Backgrounding & Workers

Used for running actions in the device's background processes. All actions have a limit on how long they can run for. Depending on the device, actions can run for a max of 30 seconds up to 5 minutes.

This is all depending on the device's Watchdog (A program in the OS used to control and manage device memory).

To get started using it, you must use KmpBackgrounding.

Run your action in the background without Configuration

// my action to run in the background
// this action will run even if the device is locked

Run your action in the background with Configuration

You can control whether the background task will be allowed to run depending on whether the device has sufficient storage, battery, or other. To configure this please use BackgroundOptions

Below are the options available to choose from:

data class BackgroundOptions(
val requiresInternet: Boolean = false, // whether device must be connected to internet for background process to run
val requiresStorage: Boolean = false, // whether device must have sufficient storage in order to run background process
val requiresSufficientBattery: Boolean = false // whether device must have sufficient battery in order to run background process

When ready invoke the function below:

KmpBackgrounding.createAndStartWorker(BackgroundOptions(requiresInternet = false, requiresStorage = false, requiresSufficientBattery = false)){
// my action to run in the background
// this action will run even if the device is locked

Cancel Backgrounding

If you need to cancel the background tasks, you can invoke this function. This will cancel all the registered/running background tasks above:


Setup for Android

For android please add this into your manifest:

<application xmlns:tools="">
<service android:name=""

And add the below package:

implementation("") // latest package

Setup for iOS

For iOS please add this into your info.plist file:
