Prompting users for App Reviews
Prompting users for App Reviews
Use this component to prompt users for an in app review, or direct them to your application on the stores directly. In app reviews are a great way to prompt users for feedback without having them exit your app. A better user experience.
To get started using it, you must use KmpPromptReview.
Below are the apis currently available.
_5KmpPromptReview.promptReviewInApp({ _5 // action to invoke in case of any error prompting users for a review_5}, {_5 // action to invoke on successful completion of the user's review_5})
_2//opens up the app store where the app is currently being hosted, and passes a deep link to the store to trigger a review action (behavior depends on the platform)_2KmpPromptReview.promptReviewViaExternal()
_2// opens the app store where the app is hosted (No DeepLink action is triggered)_2KmpPromptReview.openAppStoreLink()
Any Required Setup?