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Error Codes & Diagnostics

Error Codes & Diagnostics

This page is a summary of common errors that could occur during using the library. Common errors include improper configuration of permissions or device not meeting hardware specs.

Below is a summary of each error code along with their description:

  • KMP_001
    Occurs when a background task has failed to run. This could be due to the action being passed into KmpBackgrounding apis invoking an exception during processing, or just improper configuration of your platform.
    Check that you have followed the setup requirements for each platform

  • KMP_002
    This occurs if you haven't configured your permissions on platform's description file (Manifest in the case of Android, info.plist for iOS). Please check that you have declared all required permissions needed for the api you are trying to call

  • KMP_003
    Occurs if you are trying to access a special permission. Location for example, if you haven't declared all required permission keys needed. For Android CoarseLocation + FineLocation, for iOS LocationUsageDescription keys

  • KMP_004
    This more of a warning than an error. It means the permission has not been granted yet, so the library will try to request permission for you underthehood. This avoids you from having to wrap the feature with a permission check.

  • KMP_005, KMP_006
    Occurs only if the user has Denied access to this permission. You might have to give more information to the user so they know why you need access to this permission. This ensures trust between the users

  • KMP_007
    Occurs if the filePath, being passed into the Api you are trying to invoke, doesn't exist. Please check if the file exists at the path you are passing the function, then try again.

  • KMP_008
    Occurs if the device if your device does not meet the hardware requirements to invoke the api. For example if you're trying to toggle the Flashlight on a device that doesn't have torch hardware, then the api will throw this error